Policy Whispers

So many policies, so many buzz words, so much confusion!
Policy Whispers is all about demystifying the jargon associated with community-based approaches. We’ve linked up with local and national partners – NHS Health Scotland, Audit Scotland, the Scottish Community Development Centre and Crossreach – to find out more about the Community Empowerment Act, the Christie Commission, co-production, asset-based approaches, evidence, participatory budgeting, Community Planning Partnerships, Public Sector Reform, participation requests, targets vs outcomes and creative community engagement.
We’ve also been speaking to Audit Scotland about how you go about getting these approaches ‘quality assured’. Or as we like to put it, how do you validate the feels?

Still confused? Maybe our comedians can help!
Planet Caramel work us through their journey of trying to get their heads round Measuring Humanity and co-production, asset-based approaches and the Community Empowerment Act.
Linking to Policy
Originally when we thought of Measuring Humanity this was centered around creating an Asset Based Indicator framework to measure asset based approaches. These were some of our early findings, these are examples of how to local national and international policies. Our thinking has changed significantly though – one of key questions now is why we are measuring?